Rotary Rays -Rotary meeting, Dec.9/14
Presiding President Ron Fraser
Writer John Werkema
Hosts June/Dec. pod
John Currie sergeant at arms –happy bucks Mellissa for Lila, Francis and Graham for the good curling they enjoyed, Hazel for Graham being elected vice chair TVDSSB, and Phil for having a new location for his Minuteman business.
Fines – John C. fined himself for not yet paying for his purchases at the auction, Robert R. for spending $35.00 on a pie.
Committee reports – Youth Committee has selected Shayna Oosterink, a student from St. Mary’s high school as the exchange student for 2014.
Anyone who would like to be a host family should contact Francis.
Auction report – James reported a successful auction from the previous week that raised $2035.00 for less fortunate children in Mexico. These are selected by the Rotary club in Mexico.
Christmas banquet – to be held at the Quality Inn, Dec.16/13. Tickets can be paid for at the door, but please register online.
Next meeting is scheduled for Jan.6/14.
Maria, our exchange reported that she had been sick a few days but was now much better. She has also moved to her second host family.
Election for directors 2014 – 2016
President Ron called for nominees from the floor. Nominated are Rick Corriea, Lisa Wells, and Barb Wright and David Harris as senior director.
Moved by Robert R. and seconded by Richard H that nominations be closed. Carried.
Lisa introduced our speaker for the day, Graham Hart, who spoke on his trip to Brazil in 2012.
Graham gave a fascinating report of his agricultural trip, a trip that made him change his thinking about Brazil in all ways. Some highlights are
This is not a third world country, it has the 4th largest economy in the world, population of 191 million, Portuguese speaking (if you want to do business in Brazil, you have to speak their language), and has incredible potential for growing crops. Because of the climate, they are able to always double crop the land, and because of their land base which has very deep topsoil, they produce 28% of the world’s coffee, 38%of the sugar, 27% of the beef production, and 39% of the world’s soybean production. Incredible! It is the policy of Brazil to produce everything in their country and not import product’s, they do this by putting on a 100% duty on imported products.
They have very large farms, but there are also smaller operations. They are environmentally conscious, innovative, and have a vast, beautiful country. Thanks for sharing your photos and insights of your trip.
Meeting was adjourned by President Ron.