Presiding – President Chris Cunningham

Location – Woodstock Quality Hotel



 - spaghetti dinner April 28th 5:30-8pm $10 adults, $5 kids (under 3 free) to support our exchange student Maria


Fun League - May 20, 7pm start date. It's time to sign up! Let's get the message out there!


Meals on Wheels - coming up. Be sure to sign up


Dragon Boats - looking for rental coordinator to put boats in. Also looking for boat house steward. If you are able to help out please contact Dave Harris




50/50 – Dave Harris - Ace of Diamonds - 15%


Birthdays and Anniversary’s 



Sick and Visiting -

Melissa gave an update on Ron's progress. He's doing well after surgery last week and results are good. Hoping to be home soon. 


Sergeant at Arms - 

• Fines
John Szaz - no name badge



• Happy Bucks 

 Melissa - vacation in Florida

Hazel - good turn outs at the music festival 

Adam - attended daughter's first horse show. She did awesome. 

Bruce - family arriving for a visit and Bruce is on taxi duty while they are here

Gareth - got out on his bike in the nice weather 

Harris - 50/50 winnings

Bob Reid - Gary is doing a fantastic job running the music festival 

Rick Shaheen - proud to be a Rotarian at the Breakfast for the Unbroken - great job Mike Mahan



Program – Introduced and thanked By: Bruce Burbank


Speaker : David Mayberry: County Warden


Shared information about who he is and his history. Also spoke about rotary in the community And his admiration for our many projects. 


Provided and update for what's happening and projects under way in Oxford County.