Rotary Rays - April 18, 2016
Posted by Olga McKellar
on Apr 18, 2016
President Ted being ill, Robin presided.
Hazel welcomed members as they arrived while Fred took attendance.
When Robin called us to order at 12:10 O Canada was sung and a toast to Canada, the Queen and Japan was drunk.Rose asked the Invocation.
The only guest was Nigil who is well known to us all.
Twenty five were present.
After a tasty lunch of soup, salads and croissant sandwiches with cookies, Robin asked for sick and visiting reports. Ted was the only one mentioned. Melissa had a birthday to celebrate. Phil and James Stewart had Rotary anniversaries.
John C. did the 50/50. It was won by Fred who pulled the 5 of hearts.
There were a number of happy bucks – Tim, Liam, Bruce C.,Graham,. Graham was wearing shorts !!! Mike advertised a meeting to help deal with youth suicide in the area. Bruce told the tale of how our dock had escaped its moorings but by the mighty effort of James Stewart had been rounded up and reconfined. Those who attended the Leadership Training Event reported that it was a good event on the whole.
Graham and Francis reported that the Music Festival had gone swimmingly.The Club expressed thanks to Rose, graham and Francis for their efforts as well as all of the other Rotarians who had done their turns on the door.
Jocelyn is doing Directory revisions and requested everyone check their information in the directory she passed around and check it off so she does not need to phone.
Don F. will email RI to send receipts to any who have not yet received one.
Richard introduced (sort of) Rick Shaheen who did his Back Story in his usual competent style. He told of growing up in Woodstock, being given a Rotary Citizenship Award as a youth, his education in London and Quebec City, his return to Woodstock and his subsequent career. It was really good to get to know more about Rick and his family.Richard thanked Rick for his speech on behalf of us all.
Fuka reported on her really fun weekend during which she learned to play laser tag and bumper cars.
Graham reminded us that he needs hosts for the Scottish Curlers in Nov.
Robin adjourned the meeting at 1:15.