Presiding: Lisa Wells in Bruce’s absence
Location: Quality Inn
Meetings Minutes: Holly Hebert
Guests: Jim Northcott, friend of Dr. Reid
50/50: Olga McKellar was happy winning King hearts
Birthdays and Anniversaries: No Birthdays
Dave Harris 24 years, Don Fulkerson: 40 years, Dr. Reid 57
Paul Cluff, 2years with Rotary
No sick and Visiting.
Sergeant at Arms: Cliff Zaluski
No fines today
Happy Bucks: Bruce Burbank was sharing his California trip experience
Melissa Pike brought her painting from Paint Nite, was really happy with the turn out
Mike McMahan’s friend is an Iron man competitor
Adam Shaw watched the Tragically Hip concert at a friend’s place, and also will be back on stage this Fall.
Ted Beynen had a great time at Blue Mountain even when having to walk down the mountain.
Hazel Powell is excited to be leaving for her vacation to Calgary in two weeks.
Committee Updates: Melissa Pike discussed Paint NIte, 99 people attended, next event is Dec 2nd.
Rick Correia set up Dragon boat pictures slide show and they are also available on the website.
Lisa Wells is still looking for volunteers for Sept for boat rentals.
Melissa Pike advised that Rotary Roses is Nov 5th so get ready for sales, packing and delivering.
Don Fulkerson mentioned there are a few outstanding dues, please pay asap.
Program:  Bruce Burbank introduce Rachel Kuehnel from THE HAUS.
CoffeeHaus: Where Community Meets Coffee
A Place for all to belong, café having programs such as Pay it Forward, having apartments on site, hosting community events, specialty nights, etc..