Rotary Rays December 5, 2016
Presiding:  President Bruce Cunningham
Location:   Quality Inn and Suites
Invocation:  Stephen Sears
Guest Glen Murray
-Woodstock-Oxford Club has announced that they will match our donation of  
 $3, support the BE SAFE App
-Reminder that the Christmas Luncheon will be held Dec. 19th at the Quality Inn
  tickets on sale for $25.00
-Contact John Currie if you wish to purchase a Christmas Ham
-Polio Plus Gift Certificates are available till Dec. 19th
Birthdays None
Rotary Anniversaries :  Lisa Wells four years, Ron Fraser and Craig Van Wees  six years.
Fines and Happy Bucks:
-Craig Van Wees fines for no badge
-Rick Correia won the 50/50 so donated to the cow
-Frances Stevens her two sons are going to a Space Camp
-Lisa  Wells announced the new coarse outline for Fanshaw College
-Stephen Sears announced that the Christmas Train donated 5,000 pounds of food,
 this will  assist in filling 400-500 food hampers
Programe:  Glen Murray, auctioneer, and our own James Stewart (Vanna)
raised $2300 for the children in Mexico.  Lots of fun and a big thank you to all
members who brought in auction items.   Special thanks to Glen and James for
making this event such a success.