Date: 05 February 2018
Presiding: Past President Ted Beynen
Location: Quality Inn
Writer: Ron Fraser
Announcements: Birthdays & Anniversaries – John Szasz February 11th 51 years as a Rotary Member
- John Currie February 7th 18 years as a Rotary Member
- Adam Shaw Birthday February 7th
Meals on Wheels Signup Sheet is circulating Please sign up on line we are still short a few drivers
There is a online sign up sheet for Montana for rides to and from regular meetings on Mondays picking her up at CASS and taking her back after the meeting. Frances added that Montana is a wonderful young lady from Australia.
Frances also announced there is a need for Volunteers this year for the Music Festival at the doors and volunteers required for secretary position to fill in for her when she is not available. Training for the Secretary will be in March.
Frances also announce there is a need for one of our members to be the Club President for the year 2019-2020.
Ron Reported for Bruce Cunningham that he had received an email from Exchange Student Lisa VanSomeren that she arrived back home in Australia safely and is adjusting back to her life in Australia. She does miss all of the Woodstock Rotary Members and all of the friends she made while she was here during her exchange.
50/50 Draw: Jocelyn looked after the 50/50 Draw won by Mary Reid and Mary drew the four of Hearts
Sergeant at Arms: Graham Hart as Sergeant at Arms explained he has been to many other club meetings but was always recalls the one club who levied fines but also fined the other members for listening. Graham directed that two people from each table should Tell the Club if they were super heros what super power they would like to have and why!
Graham led us off with: He would like to be able to fly.
Mary Reid- would like to see and hear music through colour
Rick Shaheen- Be able to transport like in start Trek so he didn’t have to drive back and forth to Toronto
Ron Fraser- X Ray vision for his past career so he could see inside a place before entering on a search warrant. Ro also gave a Happy Buck for the Eagles Super Bowl win
France Stevens- Wanted to be able to see the world and a Happy Buck as her son was home from Queens U on the weekend
Chris C. Wanted Mental Telepathy and Happy Buck as Chili Charlie did not see his shadow so it was an early spring forecast and The Southgate Centre Chili cook off was tomorrow (Tuesday) tickets $10.00
Ted Beynen- to be able to see the future
Program: Chris Cunningham introduced our guest speaker Rory Offen from Community Options for Justice and one of his volunteers Patti
Community Options for Justice is in need of Volunteers for their Restorative Justice Programs and Restorative Practice.
Rory provided a copy of his Power Point and their Call for Volunteer sheets which his Presentation was based on
Please refer to the attached sheets for further details
Community Options for Justice (Oxford) is committed to providing alternative interventions and prevention strategies in the community for persons in conflict with the law.
We are recruiting volunteers to take on the role of facilitators in the Adult Mediation and/or Youth Justice Committee programs within Oxford County.
Restorative Justice programs act as an alternative to formal court proceedings and provide opportunities for youth and adults to demonstrate accountability to the persons harmed by their actions and responsibility to their community.
Restorative Justice programs endeavour to bring together people impacted by a crime in a safe manner to share their experiences, understand the harm that has been caused, and discuss meaningful ways to repair that harm and help people move forward.
Volunteer responsibilities include leading pre-conference meetings with individual participants, facilitating the Restorative Justice process (along with another volunteer) for youth and/or adult clients, and attending ongoing training sessions.
Volunteers should have flexibility in their schedule (daytime availability is an asset) and be willing to provide a Police Information Check/Vulnerable Sector Check.
Previous group facilitation and/or mediation experience is an asset. Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis, but a training for new volunteers is scheduled for Saturday, February 10. It is not mandatory to attend the training on this day before starting to volunteer, but it would be a good introduction to the program and other volunteers.
Please forward resume to: Community Options for Justice (Oxford) Attention: Program Supervisor 496 Adelaide Street, Woodstock, ON N4S 4B4 Fax: 519 539-8185 or email to Funding provided by United Way of Oxford and the Government of Ontario
•Started as Oxford Association of Volunteers in Corrections in 1983
•Community Options for Justice (Oxford) in 1991
•Main office is located in Woodstock with satellite offices in Ingersoll (Community Employment Services) and Tillsonburg (Livingston Centre)
•Provide non-residential, justice-based programs for youth and adults in Oxford County
•Includes programing at multiple entry points:
–after conviction/finding of guilt;
–Diversion from formal court proceedings; and
Direct Accountability Program (DAP)
Adult Diversion
Awareness Programs (ADAP and ASAP)
Victim Offender Reconciliation Program
Community Service Order (CSO)
Counselling Rehabilitation
Adult Mediation**
(no cost)
Pre-Charge Adult Diversion
Adult Anger Management
Community Mediation**
(referred by
Police or Crown)
Extrajudicial Measures (EJM)
Extrajudicial Sanctions (EJS)
Youth Justice Committee (YJC)**
Horse-Guided Learning (HGL)
(No cost to participate)
Anger Management
Girls Group
Substance Misuse
(programs are based on requests and staff availability)
Community Mediation**
•Restorative Justice programs look to bring together people impacted by a crime in a safe and respectful dialogue to discuss their experiences, understand the impacts of their actions, and explore meaningful ways to repair harm and help people move forward.
•During a mediation, trained facilitators ensure that everyone has a chance to speak and to listen. Participants discuss how a shared conflict impacted them, ask questions, and together work toward a mutually acceptable plan to move forward.
•During a mediation, trained facilitators ensure that everyone has a chance to speak and to listen. Participants discuss how a shared conflict impacted them, ask questions, and together work toward a mutually acceptable plan to move forward.
•Volunteers are always paired up with another volunteer or a staff member
•Main responsibilities include:
–conducting pre-mediation meeting with the individual parties;
–facilitating the Restorative Justice process for youth and/or adult clients; and
–attending ongoing training sessions.
•Other notes: potential volunteers should have a flexible schedule (daytime availability is an asset); must provide a satisfactory police background check; group facilitation experience is an asset but not a must.
•Patti is here to share her experience as a volunteer with us.
•Main responsibilities include:
–conducting pre-mediation meeting with the individual parties;
–facilitating the Restorative Justice process for youth and/or adult clients; and
–attending ongoing training sessions.
•Other notes: potential volunteers should have a flexible schedule (daytime availability is an asset); must provide a satisfactory police background check; group facilitation experience is an asset but not a must.
•Patti is here to share her experience as a volunteer with us.