• Fred Fenton took attendance with Larry Lake welcoming all who attended.
  • President Melissa presided .
  • In the absence of Gary, Olga led the Club in singing O Canada and also gave the Invocation.
  • The Rev. Stephen Hendry, was our guest and our speaker for the day.
  • After some whining from John Currie, Melissa allowed John's table, at which  the guest was sitting, to follow the president's table to the buffet!!!After lunch we recognized the birthdays of Barb Wright and Chris Martin and the wedding anniversaries of melissa and of Joe.
  • No sicknesses in the Club were reported.
  • There were 2 pieces of correspondence, both thankyou letters shared with the Club:from the Masters family in Embro for a computer; from Martha for her new dentures.
  • This year's dues are now owed. please send them to the Club mailbox or give them to Don F. ASAP.
  • Justin reported that next week's meeting will be held at the Club House, off Roth Park, on the south side of the river.Graham reported that he and Rosemary are attempting to rationalize the Club's 'stuff'. Ifhan will store files which Rosemary has thinned down at the Hotel. Large items of significance will be moved into the boat House. if you have any boxes of  'stuff' please bring them next week.
  • Any Rotarian who has a valid reason to not attend the Festival (Not very many reasons will be considered valid) please let Justin know so we do not count on your help in this, the major fundraiser of the year.
  • Don Stoddart graciously conducted the 50/50 draw. Cliff won with the 9 of clubs.
  • John Currie as Sgt. of Arms collected happy bucks and a few fines. The fines arose from members who had already forgotten who our RI President is for this year, etc.
  • Don Stoddart reminded us to bring lawnchairs with us next week when the meeting is at the Boat House.

    • Robert Reid introduced Stephen Hendry who spoke on'Volunteers Today'.Stephen reminded us that membership retention depends on our treatment of volunteers. In our society they can choose among many activ ities in which to invest volunteer hours. They choose those places where they feel most valued and appreciated. It is the relationship that counts in keeping volunteers over the long haul.People need to believe their efforts will make a difference in the world.Often people need a coach or a mentor who will walk with them on their journey. If you forget to thank people for their efforts they will vote with their feet and vanish. Stephen finished his speech with the example of BP, a polio victim who had to believe he could get outside the box in order to beat the effects of his disease. We all need such belief.Barb Wright thanked the speaker.
    • Melissa reminded the Directors of their meeting immediately following. We ajourned at 1:30Olga McKellar