Rotary Rays - June 1st, 2015
Posted by Ted Beynen
on Jun 02, 2015
Presiding – President Chris Cunningham
Location – Quality Hotel & Suites
Writer – Ted Beynen
Ifhan Hudda announced bursaries for SERVICE ABOVE SELF and requested volunteers to attend high school graduation ceremonies.
Ted Beynen announced health issues with son and requested anyone that hasn’t responded to Bruce Cunningham’s email to confirm committee participation to respond if requested any changes otherwise will committees will stay status quo.
50/50 – Winner and card drawn
Rick Shaheen drew the 7 of Diamonds
Birthdays and Anniversary’s
Graham Hart is celebrating his 24th Rotary Anniversary and his 46th Wedding Anniversary. Congratulations Graham.
Sergeant at Arms -
- Fines
Lisa Well – for smiling picture driving the tractor for Dragon Boats
President Chris for flag fiasco for Oh Canada
- Happy Bucks
Garreth – motorcycle trip
Richard – 60 people thru house on weekend for WCI reunion
Rick C – Trip to emergency led to 8 day hospital stay but all good now
Bruce Burbank – Back from European vacation
Don Stoddart – money raised for 4 new defibrillators
Frances Stevens – presented an overview of Rotary Projects / What does Rotary do?
Phil Laitar – presented an overview of E-Club Meetings / Make-UPS
Sample of web pages about eClubs and some eClub sites to visit for make-ups.
Rotary Intl eClub page:
Rotary Intl Find a Club page (incl. eClubs):
Rotary eClub of Canda One page:
Rotary eClub One (District 5450/First Web-based Rotary Club: