Rotary Rays - March 21, 2016
Posted by Olga McKellar
on Mar 28, 2016
President Ted called the meeting to order at 12;10 with the singing of O Canada, the toast to the Queen, to Canada and to Japan.
Adam gave the Invocation.
Melissa reported that Craig’s Dad, Peter Van Weiss had died.
Ted’s son has had further good news on the success of his cancer treatment..
Chris Cunningham’s Partner, David, is in London hospital waiting for a liver transplant. His need is urgent and Chris asks for all our prayers.
50/50 was managed by Cliff. Despite Ron’s eager response, Melissa won with an 8 of clubs.
Ron paid a fine for his eagerness; Melissa paid a fine for her winnings! There were several happy bucks: Bob Reid who apparently went to Church with a donkey last Sunday, Nigil and Ted.
Bruce reported that Adam had paid for his Jan.25 polio tickets!Yeah Adam!!!
Francis reported that she had been successful in finding an excellent RYLA candidate.
Graham has put the time sheet for the Music Festival on the computer. If every Rotarian signs up for one space we shall be well covered. ONE TIME SLOT PER ROTARIAN. DO YOUR SHARE.
Fuka reported that she has had a great March Break. She went bowling; she drank a St. Paddy’s green shake and went to Dairy Queen twice. She visited with her family on Facebook which was a real treat.
Rick handed out Dragon Boat Fun League Posters to be posted around town.
David reminded Dragon boat Co. of the meeting on Thurs. at 11:30 at the Bistro.
Ted announced the Woodstock Oxford’s meeting with Julia Phelps on Mar.31 and reminded all about the leadership workshop on Apr.16.
Mike introduced Chris Friesen and Miranda Fuller from the Future Oxford Partnership. Chris gave a brief introduction to how the organization had developed. Miranda showed an informative power point presentation of what Sustainability means, how in Oxford it stands on 3 legs: economy, community and environment, where the Oxford Sustainability Plan is at the moment and how they propose to move forward with it in the future. Miranda is the paid director and only staff working with “Future Oxford Partnerships”. Chris chairs a board of volunteer directors who support Miranda and her work.They have come a long way in 2 years.
Mike thanked Chris and Miranda on behalf of the Club.
Ted adjourned the meeting at 1:20 p.m.