Rotary Rays - May 11, 2015
Call to order : President Chris Cunningham
Invocation: Mike McMahon
Guest Introduction: John Gilvesy Assistant District Governor, Patricia Marshall District Governor, Emily Ann, Brian and Tom from Ingersoll Club
Guest Speakers: Haja Wilson and Ellen Hutchinson on Polio Eradication
Emily – On Ryla
50/50 Draw – Ann from Ingersoll club won the draw
Festival of the Stars finished up on Friday night – Special thanks goes to Gary for all his work on the festival and to all of the volunteers who worked during the festival
Dave Announced that Chris from Cathcart Auto Parts has donated a truck for our Dragon Boats
Lisa Announced that we are still in need of volunteers for boat launches
Presentation: Haja and Ellen spoke on the Eradication of Polio and Living with Polio
Emily spoke on her week at Ryla