Rotary Rays - Monday March 18th, 2013
Rotary Rays – Monday, March 18, 2013
Reports and Announcements:
· Guests included Bruce Shaw and Gord Britton (guest speakers); Jill from the Powell River B.C. club, Aaron Engel and outgoing exchange student Nathan. Bruce Cunningham is now officially a member of our club.
· Lots of Happy Bucks including Melissa who recently returned from two weeks in Florida and Ron Fraser who gave an extra buck to Chris Cunningham toward getting a new – more accurate – Chilly Willy.
· Francis read a letter from outbound exchange student Erin who continues to enjoy her year in New Zealand, despite experiencing an earthquake!
· Rosemary reminded everyone about picking up their police check forms.
· Gary reported that the music festival preparations are well underway: the advertising has been wrapped up and members have been signing up for the available time slots.
· Lisa won $2 in the 50/50 draw and donated it back to polio plus
Gord Britton and Bruce Shaw, both of the Grand Bend Rotary Club, talked about the Global Literacy Program, a project that began in 2008. Since then communities in Africa and other countries have benefitted from the collection, shipment and distribution of books, educational materials, supplies, furniture, and various other valuable items to aid in development, building capacity and the advancement of the community. After the presentation, Gary encouraged members to sign up to assist with loading a container bound for South Africa. Volunteers are needed for both the morning and afternoon of Saturday, April 20, 2013.