Rotary Rays - November 16th 2015
Posted by Richard Holmes
on Nov 16, 2015
Call to order: Ted Beynen
Invocation: Phil Laitar
Birthdays: Lisa Wells, Bruce Cunningham
Sick & Visiting: Ted gave a positive outlook for his son.
50/50 draw: Stephen Sears won with 8 of spades
Sargeant of Arms: Francis Stephens
5 People pre-paid fines for undisclosed transgressions. Ted Beynen for missing meeting and trip to Aruba.
Happy Bucks: Rick Shaheen for Richard’s pile of leaves
Brian Cunningham: Weekend Rotary District meeting. Other district meetings coming up.
Don Stewart: Oxford farmers donation of $10,000 for defibrulaters.
Chris Cunningham: Southgate Centre won awards of excellence.
Stephen Sears: Never gambles but won 50/50 draw
Committee Reports
Dragon Boats
Dave Harris: Projection of $30,000 profit
Youth Committee
Francis Stevens: Sign up list for picking up Fuka. No application for upcoming Rotary exchange yet.
Polio Plus
Fundraising starting soon. An example of increasing your contribution 10 times.
Rotary Hams
On sale now. $25.00 for a blackforest ham or smoked ham from Medema’s
Christmas Meeting
Will be on December 14th
Thank you from VON
Next Meeting
Will be at C.A.S.S.
Meeting "Recaps"
November 9th, 2015
Remembrance Day with Bill Budd. RCAF Veteran
Nov 16th
Paul Gagnon and the Anniversary Maple Tree for Vimy Ridge and Veterans Memorial Parkway Community Program (VMPCP)
November 23rd
College Avenue S.S. - Thames Valley District School Board
Lunch catered by the Culinary Program students and student led tours of the school.