Rotary Rays - Oct 19th, 2015
Posted by Mike McMahon
on Oct 19, 2015
Ted – Called to order at 12:12pm
Invocation – Lisa Wells
No Guests (all present pointed out that Cliff Zaluski is a guest today)
Announcement: Later in meeting Olga and Bruce will be leading Jeopardy…or “Polio in Jeopardy” for Polio Plus
Birthday: Joe Odumodu October 23
Anniversary: Don & Phyllis Stoddart 51 Years
50/50 Winner: Dr. Reid (2 clubs) wins $2
Sergeant at Arms: Frances Stevens
- Election Trivia for Fines…no fines
- Lots of Happy Bucks
- No Miscellaneous Fines
1. Dragon Boats
a. Docks are out…thanks to the great crew
b. Rear of building remains to be painted
2. Youth
a. Nathan Sears updates that he has voted in our election…long trip to the Canadian Embassy in Prague was necessary to vote
b. Looking for 2016 Outbound Student
3. Polio Plus
a. Need volunteers for Saturday, October 24 at Woodstock Farmers Market 7am – 11am (hand out flyers and information)
4. District Conference 2016 – Announced for Niagara Falls in October 2016
5. Rotary Roses: Order Forms due October 26 at Rotary Meeting
6. Fuka Update:
a. Spent Thanksgiving Dinner with Steven Sears family…many relatives and great fun
b. Went to Canada’s Wonderland
c. Will be participating in the Rotary Haunted Run/Walk. Club members please watch your email for donations link to support Fuka
7. October 26 meeting at Birtch Room, Quality Inn & Suites
Meeting Adjourned