Woodstock Rotary October 22, 2018 Meeting Minutes
Call to Order: 12:12pm
Introduction of Guests: John Gilvesy, District Governor; Darrell Parker, Assistant District Governor
Invocation Reading: Robin
Birthdays and Anniversaries: Joe celebrating a Bday on Oct 22; Don and Phyllis celebrating 54 years of marriage on Oct 17
50/50 draw: Christy winner
Happy Bucks and Fines: Facilitate by Phil who asked some challenging questions. Of note:
- Graham curled in Burlington with Scotland Rotarians who are visiting 13 different clubs in Nov.
- Rotary Polio BBQ successful. Thank you to volunteers and Bob Armstrong at GT who donated all the food and equipment. Raised $314.00
- Meals on Weeks the week of November 19. Volunteers needed. 2 people recommended for each route. Welcome to bring a friend. 3 routes. Please sign up a meeting or through club runner.
- Buy Graham’s delicious honey
- Rotary Roses closes on Monday Oct 29
- Buy Cheese. Orders required by Nov. 19. Delivered Dec 3.
- Movie Breathe screening on Thursday Oct 25 @ 6:30pm at SouthGate Centre
- AGM: November 26
- Holiday Auction: December 10
- Holiday Luncheon: December 17
- Please contribute to Montana’s Haunted Hill Run in Bolton. She is and her friend are going at M & Eminen (Chocolate Candy and Rapper)
Guest Speaker: John Gilvesy, District Governor
Three priorities:
- Challenge each club to increase membership by 2 with gender parity
- Identify classifications on website for each member
- Increase humanitarian service:
- Each member to give $100/yr to the foundation and $100/yr to the Polio Plus campaign. Gates Foundation committed to match dollar $2 for every $1 raised
- Each club contribute $1500 towards the Honduras Micro Finance Program. Woodstock Rotary already committed.
Closing: Frances presented John with a certificate that immunizes 50 children in his name.