If you haven't received your tickets yet to sell roses please contact Richard Holmes. Delivery date for the roses will be November 6th - please do your best to sell as many dozen as you can!
Hi All, It's that time of the year again to give all of your friends, family, co-workers, etc. the opportunity to have a dozen roses delivered to the recipient(s) of their choice on November 6th for a minor cost of only $25! This is a great little fundraiser for the club and a truly great event to participate in, especially with your kids (It was my favourite Rotary event when I was growing up - next to the parties at Lee Lockwood's place of course) So please do your very best to sell at least 10 dozen roses, the more you are able to see, the more money the club can make and inject back into the community! Thanks very much everyone for all of your hard work! Sell Sell Sell!