Minutes taken by Olga McKellar
Fred took attendance with Jocelyn welcoming people as they arrived.
President Chris was in the chair and led O Canada, proposed the toast to the Queen and to Italy.
Robin gave the Invocation.
President Chris asked us all to read the notes/agendas/minutes available on each table as we ate and we watched a video of our outbound student, Shanna, dancing in Thailand.
John Currie handled the 50/50 with Dave Harris winning and drawing the 7 of spades. Rick did a quick and dirty job of Sargeant fining Robin for his picture in the paper, Chris for her picture on Facebook. A few people gave happy bucks before Chris moved to reports.
John Currie reported that hams will arrive Dec.12 and money will be collected on delivery if not before. 
We were reminded that the shoebox  auction is on Dec.6 and we need to get items in.
Those wishing to help with Salvation Army gift collection are reminded that PJ’s for youth are a priority; bring them in ASAP.
Frances has tickets for Dec.15 lunch and you can also purchase them at the Quality Inn. $15.00 for a full plated turkey lunch
Maria reported on her weekend with other exchange students . It was held in Mississauga and included a birthday party, a squaredance, a banquet, a hockey game and some other games not easy to describe!
John Currie and Robin chaired the Rotary Club Charitable Foundation Annual Meeting.
Chris chaired the Rotary Club AGM.
Highlights were the passage of the revised Constitution and Bylaws,and  the Audited Financial Statements.
Adam Shaw was chosen as auditor for this coming year for the Club. Bob Dieleman for the Foundation
An Election of Directors for 2015-16 saw Olga and Liam as regular directors, Ifhan as Senior Director chosen.
The Club supported the idea of John Gilvesey that extra funds held by Rotary International might be better used in microfinancing than left sitting in the bank. So, John’s suggestion will go forward with our support.
Chris closed the meeting at 1:45 pm