Rotary Rays -Rotary Meeting, January 6th, 2014
Welcome back to our first meeting of 2014!
President Ron opened today’s meeting.
Olga led us in O'Canada.
Attendance was taken by Ted B.
Greeter was cheerfully handled by Larry.
Invocation was read by Phil.
50/50 was collected by Ifhan.
Sergeant at Arms was Richard.
Shanya Oosterink, our outgoing exchange student and a large portion of the McMahon Family (Mike had four of his kids join us due to the schools being closed).
Birthday & Anniversary
Celebrating Birthdays are Bill McLeish and Ted B’s wife, Jackie.
Anniversaries being celebrated:
Wilma Boughtflower, 18 years 2-Jan-96
Fred Fenton, 45 years 1-Jan-69
Richard Holmes, 22 years 1-Jan-92
Larry Lake, 45 years 1-Jan-69
Liam McCreery, 1 years 7-Jan-13
Hazel Powell, 6 years 1-Jan-08
Don Stoddart, 27 years 5-Jan-87
John Szasz, 50 years 6-Jan-64
James Stewart won the draw and pulled the Jack of Clubs from the deck to win $10.
Sergeant at Arms: Richard
Happy Bucks:
Richard for seeing “Once” and for his son being OK after a car accident (not so much the car).
Maria for Finland’s Jr Hockey Team’s winning performance at the 2014 World Junior Hockey Championship.
Frances for some great skiing.
Don S. for his recent Cancun trip and his participation in the Alzheimer's Association Walk to End Alzheimer's later this month.
Larry for a planned trip this coming February.
Mike and the kids for snow days.
Rick for his son safely heading to Ottawa.
Don F. for his Florida vacation.
Bruce for his son starting his co-op.
Robert R. for a great family Christmas handled by his daughters.
Ron F for a wonderful Christmas and New Year’s spent at Niagara Falls.
Polio Plus, Olga
Olga read highlights from an Oxford Review article “Burgessville resident Wally Orth ensures letters he received while battling polio in the 1950s stay in in the Norwich Township community”.
Olga also continued the “Pennies for Polio” collection (remember to bring your pennies and loose change to the meetings for Olga).
Rotary Roses, Richard
Richard reported we sold 464 Dozen roses raising $11,600 in revenue and over $4,000 in net profit.
Youth Exchange, Francis
Francis read highlights from an email from Nathan and introduced our next outbound student, Shayna Oosternik.
Maria reported that she had seven turkey dinners over Christmas and spent New Year’s learning to Snowboard at Horseshoe Valley. (Check out our Facebook page for a pic of Maria in her snowboarding gear).
Shoe Box Auction, Don F
Don reported that $2,085 was raised at our shoebox auction.
Guest Speaker
Jane Vollmershausen, Holistic Nutritionist, Personal Trainer and Life Coach
Some of Jane’s Healthy New Year Tips to make resolutions achievable:
-Try “baby steps” as not to be overwhelmed and try to make goals that will be “long term goals” that you will want to keep forever.
-SMART Goal Setting.
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time Limit
-Write down your goals and let supportive people know what they are.
-Use the 80/20 rule. Focus on what will provide the best improvements
-Look for achieving Balance, Varity and Moderation in your daily life.